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Workshop and Concert Presenters
Dr. Pam Schiller
Ph.D. • Early Childhood Specialist
Workshop Presenter |
Pam Schiller is an early childhood development specialist and consultant, author, popular speaker and radio and television spokesperson. She is an expert in the area of early brain development and early childhood literacy. More info |
A.K.A Ron Hiller, B.A., B. Ed
Kimbo's Artist • Singer • Composer • Educator
Workshop Presenter and Concert Performer |
If you're looking for great kids' entertainment, Ronno's energetic, highly participatory shows, will be a sure hit. Ronno's concerts are superb fun for families, plus his valuable songs help to promote fitness and build early literacy. Ronno's workshops are much sought after by educators as they are experiential, informative and energetically upbeat. More Info |
Liz Jones-Twomey
B.A., B.Ed. • Practicing Teacher • Brain Gym Instructor
Workshop Presenter |
Liz Jones-Twomey is an internationally acclaimed teacher and specialist in fitness and a Brain Gym instructor. Liz has won many awards. Her enthusiasm and professional background make her a highly qualified workshop presenter who will add greatly to your conference. More info |
Bill Janiak
MS, RMT • Author • Educator
Workshop Presenter for Special Needs & Early Childhood |
This author, composer, consultant, educator, and activities specialist shares in a “We Learn by Doing” group participation workshop for staff in the areas of music, games, leisure time, motor skills, language activities, supervising, communicating, basic music/movement, and recreation. Each curriculum lasts 4 to 8 hours in length. Conferences choose several topics at one hour in length. More info |
Artist • Author • Singer/Songwriter
Workshop Presenter and Concert Performer |
Gaia presents animated performances singing and signing songs using American Sign Language. Gaia's unique style utilizes total communication with color, movement, narratives, songs and sign language. Everyone becomes engaged, whether hearing or deaf, to participate with Gaia in a celebration of diversity, singing, and dancing. Gaia's workshops teach participants to learn a number of popular signs through her songs and activities. More info |
The Learning Station
Singers • Songwriters • Educators
Workshop Presenters and Concert Performers |
This nationally recognized children's music group captures young audiences with their upbeat sounds and fun approach to classic and new songs. The Learning Station offers a growing number of CDs, and their performances inspire children's natural curiosity to explore, learn, play and grow. Their workshops focus on music and movement and involve participants experientially. More info |
For Additional Workshop and Concert Information, please call or email...
800.631.2187, 732.229.4949
service@kimboed.com |
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