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Tiny Tots & Children's
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This CD forms the basis of an entire dance recital production. There's tap, modern jazz, ballet and numbers for Tiny Tots. A song folio with words and music is available. SR800CD $14.95 SR800N $10.00
Over 50 minutes of your favorite Kimbo 45s! Dancing Cuddle Bug, Aristo-Cats, Mother Goose Parade, I Wuv a Wabbit, Parakeets in Tap Shoes, Leopard Cats, Ellie the Elf, Chicken Pox for Christmas, & more. KIM9208CD $15.00 KIM9208N $15.00
Over 40 minutes of baby class hits ideal for your studio. Six little Ducks, Elephant Rock, One-zy Two-zy, Mairzy Doats, Laughing Place, Clown Song, Dancing Puppet, Candy and Cake, I Am A Ballerina and Dollies. KIM9217CD
6 wks-1 yr. Stimulate early development thru massage, rocking, cuddling to familiar songs & nursery rhymes. Enhance baby's language and listening skills, attention span & memory. Encourage creeping, sitting, crawling, pulling up, walking skills. KIM9324CD
Exciting selections of over 40 minutes of Kimbo hits to liven up your baby classes. Includes Left Foot- Right Foot, Tick Tock The Happy Clock, Little Apple Tree, I Must Practice Every Day, and more. KIM9201CD $15.00 KIM9201N $12.00
Over 40 minutes of Kimbo hits ideal for your baby classes. Includes Plie & Relev, Watch Me Kick, Balanc, Skipping, Bunny Rabbit Blues, 5 Positions All In A Row, Deodorized Skunks, & more. KIM9200CD $15.00 KIM9200N $12.00