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Item Number: NS010CD
The narrated story complete with dance-along music. Edited for children. 29 tracks - mice scene, party, snowflakes, etc.
Song List
1. Overture 2. 1st Incidental 3. Soldier's Dance 4. Girl's Dance 5. 2nd Incidental 6. 1st Doll Dance 7. 2nd Doll Dance 8. 3rd Doll Dance 9. 4th Incidental 10. Nutcracker Doll Dance 11. 5th Incidental 12. Lullaby 13. 6th Incidental 14. Mice Dance 15. 6th Incidental, Part 2 |
16. Mice & Soldier Fight 17. Lullaby 2 18. Snowflakes Dance 19. Overture, Act 2 20. Spanish Dance 21. Arabian Dance 22. Chinese Dance 23. Russian Dance 24. Marzipan Dance 25. Court Jester's Dance 26. Flower's Dance 27. Sugar Plum Dance 28. Finale, intro 29. Finale, music |