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Michael is a great professional musician and a fine educator. He brings both of these extraordinary talents to his upbeat
CDs that are tops among Kimbo’s best selling products. You’ll want Michael’s unique resources for your home,
classroom, or library; CDs that are creative, clever, zany, happy, valuable, purposeful, and more!

How His Musical Career Began

Michael was just 25 years old when he wrote a song and submitted it to the New York Songwriters’ Showcase.
He finished in the top 5 out of 750 entries, and he never looked back! Michael taught 16-20 “Music Together”
classes per week that focused on the preschool child and their teachers/parents. He also brings enrichment
programs to underprivileged elementary school children in run-down areas with The Recreational Arts Program.
Currently, Michael is the Director of the music program in a local Special Needs school teaching 40 classes a week
and over 500 students ranging in age from 3 to 21. Michael provides private music lessons, and also plays
5 musical instruments.

Work History

Music Together: Taught 16 to 20 classes per week.
Monmouth County Park System, NJ - R.A.P. (Recreational Arts Program): Bringing music enrichment classes to underprivileged children in distressed areas.
Music teacher (current) – 10 years teaching classes at the largest School for Special Needs on the East Coast.
Private music lessons: Over 20 students weekly.
Multi-Talented Award-Winning Artist
Multi-instrumentalist: Accomplished musician who is proficient in playing 5 musical instruments.
Musician and Lyricist: Songwriter, Performer, Producer, and Sound Engineer
One of Kimbo Educational’s top-selling artists: Creating a growing line of popular CDs featuring
original music and valuable movement.


Winner of the prestigious Parent’s Choice Awards for two CDs.
Ribbons & Rhythms 2010 Parents’ Choice Award Recommended
Shakin The Chute 2011 Parents’ Choice Award Recommended

Contact Kimbo for More Information: Email Kimbo

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