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Children's singer/songwriter, Gaia, presents animated performances singing and signing songs with America Sign Language. Gaia's unique style utilizes total communication with color, movement, narratives, songs and sign language engaging everyone, whether hearing or deaf, to participate with her in a celebration of diversity, singing, dancing and signing along.

Gaia and her composer/producer husband, Ed Tossing, encourage children to accept and respect each other despite differences, and to have confidence in themselves.

Gaia and Ed have won 17 prestigious awards for their cassettes, CDs, books, cassettes, DVDs, and videos, including two Emmy Awards for music and on-camera performance.

Gaia frequently teams up with Jonalee Folerzynski "Jonnie". Jonnie is a talented actress and director in her own right, which is quite an achievement considering she is deaf.

Gaia presents keynotes and workshops and performs in concerts and on national TV.


Sing 'N Sign Holiday Time DVD - Won Learning Magazine's 2005 Teacher's Choice Award For The Family


Raves and Reviews

What aspects of the product did you like most?

"The video uses real children for singing and signing well known songs.
  It will help promote empathy for deaf children and teaching signing to

"I like the selection of songs, the fact that it covers a variety of
multicultural celebrations, and the language makes this a very unique

"It has songs from three different winter holidays and uses children
with hearing impairment to teach sign language."

Did you find the product interesting or motivating for children?

"Yes - children 4-10 would enjoy the songs and learning how to sign."

"Yes - it gets them involved with signs and singing right from the
start.  It allows them to practice reading skills.  It is and overall
fun experience."

"Yes - it would also be useful in a school setting."

What skills could the product teach?

"Using sign language, promoting understanding of deafness."

"It teaches signing, singing, reading, following directions, and
teaches about a variety of cultures. It also enhances fine and gross
motor skills.."

"It teaches sign language and a presentation of hearing impaired
children performing to help others have a better understanding of this

What would you recommend to make this product better?


"I like this product as it is."

If funds were available, would you recommend parents buy or use this
product with their children at the appropriate grade/age level?

"Yes. I think this is a wonderful product.  I think it would also be
useful in the classroom."

"Yes, it is unique and teaches a variety of skills."



Click here to view all titles by GAIA