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Science - Kimbo
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Dinosaurs never go out of style -- kids love them! Clever lyrics and rollicking music too will help children to remember informative facts. (Ages 4 to 9) KIM9083CD
RONNO's songs are always fun and factual! His unique musical style motivates children to learn about all kinds of farms, farm families, animals, work machines, cultivation, growing cycles, harvesting and more. KIM9153CD
Ages 3 - 5. All the daily basics of a child's day are made more fun with upbeat music and clever songs about feelings, good manners, good hygiene, eating healthy foods, and getting along with friends and family. KIM9135CD
Add a sense of wonder with cool songs about respiration, hygiene, exercise, electricity, sound, shadows, stars, our senses & more. Stimulating observations & heightened awareness help a child to appreciate making new discoveries. KIM1006CD
Sing about food, plants & animals! Science songs about our everyday world will expand children's horizons. Watch as children learn to sort out phenomena & understand reasons for things happening or behaving the way they do. KIM1007CD