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Internationally acclaimed children's singer, songwriter, and educator
Presenter of many keynotes and workshops at national conferences and state AEYCs across USA
Recipient of numerous awards, including Teachers' Choice (Learning Magazine), Parents' Choice, iParenting Media, Parents' Council Seal, Director's Choice (Early Childhood News), and Dr. Toy
Featured performer throughout the United States and Canada
Over 170 songs published
Recording artist with KIMBO Educational
Individual Workshops/Keynotes by RONNO
25 Ways To Teach Children Through Music & Movement
Using Music and Movement to Strengthen Learning, Build Early Literacy, and Promote Positive Values
Jump-Start Your Day the RONNO Way, with Music, Movement - and Fun!
Available Conference Workshops and Keynotes
Co-Presented with Liz Jones-Twomey
Kick-Start your Literacy Program with Music and Brain Gym® Movements: fun, practical strategies you can use immediately
"Catch A Brain Wave Fitness Fun" - Daily Physical Activity meets Brain Gym®, encouraging children's fitness, while stimulating brain development
Conference Performance Package: a combination of either of the above workshops together with a motivating, participatory RONNO concert (to complement your event and/or for the community-at-large)
Click Here to View RONNO's Complete Line of CD's
Contact Kimbo for More Information: Email Kimbo
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