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Preschool Gym

Item Price: $16.95
Item Number: KIM9320CD

Making Fitness Fun for 3-5 Year Olds

Even active preschoolers need daily structured healthy exercise. Make exercise for young children playful and fun; you’ll capture their imagination, and they’ll never be bored. Age-appropriate movements on Preschool Gym include stretches, dances, gross and fine motor activities, creative movement, and marches. The variety of action songs will help develop healthy bones, muscles, and joints and increase body strength. Motivate young kids with the beat of the music and these creative exercise routines, and cut down on too many long hours in front of the TV and computer screens.

Ages: 3-5      ISBN-10: 1-56346-187-0      ISBN-13: 7 5829-29320-2 7

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