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Preschool Action Time
Item Number: KIM9110CD
Action songs for fine and gross motor skills are fun and help children's development. Finger plays, action songs, and even a song for signing are set to a delightful collection of children's favorites.
AGES: 3 to 6 ISBN-10: 0-937124-24-9 ISBN-13:
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17 original and popular children's songs teach a variety of concepts in a fun way that will promote learning. Keep this musical resource handy for circle and transition times.
Here's a collection of rhythmic activities. Some children thrive when they can combine different styles of learning; rhythmic activities using a manipulative, plus music and movement may be just right for these kids.
Kids love activity time! Welcome the day with circle and stretch songs and exciting action exercises. Mexican Jumping Beans, Snappy Turtle, Tying Shoes, Circle Time Action and much more.