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 Preschool & Up - Kimbo

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Displaying products 13 - 18 of 85 results
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11 original songs that can be acted out rhythmically and through finger plays and games. Simple, rhythmic patterns and opportunities for individual adaptation. The use of the floor for rocking boats, waves, frog kicks, bunny jumps, pedaling bicycles, etc.

Authentic stories behind famous American Patriotic songs. Encourage elementary-age students to engage with history. Use this fun musical resource to enhance American History, Literature, Poetry, Classroom listening or group singing.

Travel Times Tunes CD Download
Item Price: $15.00

This collection of classic singable songs is full of wiggles, giggles and fun! There are camp songs, scout songs, school songs, family fun songs. Ideal for parties, story hours, and car, train and plane rides.

Embark on a historical musical journey through the American Revolution. With song and story, this 2 CD set will teach children, Grades 4 to 9, about iconic Revolutionary War events including Paul Revere's ride and The Boston Tea Party.

Bean Bag & Ball Play
Item Price: $15.95

By Michael Plunkett. Classic Bean Bag & Ball Activities. Jam-packed with games. Focus is on coordination, color ident., clapping, passing, tossing, rolling, creative play. Do "The Bean Bag Freeze" & "Big Ball Rock 'N Roll".

Circle Time Songs & Games
Item Price: $15.95

By Laura Johnson
Get children actively involved & engage them with these easy, valuable circle time ideas for your daily routine. Circle time activities & games will provide structure & help children develop imprtnt skills.

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