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Preschool & Up - Kimbo
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Rhythm Sticks, Ribbons, and Games. Prepare children for reading success with these unique songs, tongue twisters, games, and activities. Each song reinforces at least one valuable literacy skill,. Comprehensive guide included. KIM9178CD
Let's make special memories & sing about moments that are important in a child's life. Whether it is about their 1st day of school, flying a kite, gardening with Grandma, or learning to count money, kids will relate to these 12 songs. KIM9190CD
Alliterative songs creatively teach the alphabet. Each letter is represented by an animal and reinforced by a corresponding movement; i.e., Excercising Elephant, Hula Dancing Hippo, and more! KIM9136CD
The beloved Piggyback bear teaches kids new holiday lyrics set to familiar songs. Guide with lyrics. Ages 3-8. KIM9151CD
Humor is a great tool for increasing attention & memory. Introduce literacy skills with music & a little humor into the curriculum with zany songs. Accompanying guide includes brain information, literature connections, lyrics & more. KIM9175CD
Little Bo Peep, Humpty Dumpty, and Aiken Drum are just a few of the enchanting characters who live in the wonderful world of nursery rhymes where little people always seem to find themselves at home. KIM9314CD