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 Preschool & Up - Kimbo

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Displaying products 1 - 6 of 85 results
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Developing Auditory Perception Through Music! Preschoolers will enjoy the playful sound effects and music, sound dances, listening games and related activities while developing essential listening skills. KIM1205DL

Baby Connections
Item Price: $16.95

Sing, play, discover, and Learn! Interact with 6 - 12 month olds, and watch them get stronger, gain confidence, and develop their bodies through easy, brain-based movements set to rhymes, rhythms, & chants.

Gather round for an old fashioned campfire sing along! Everyone will have fun singing these classic American Folk Songs. Share these favorites with the next generation and continue a tradition of singing together. KIM1120DL

Here is the exciting story of TRANSPORTATION - past and present. Three young people set out on a musical journey, whistling as they go. Along the way they discover faster and more convenient ways "to get from here to there."

Move & Learn
Item Price: $16.95

Every song is a unique springboard to learning! Jump into action and make learning more fun. Combine skills and concepts with motivating movement songs. Colors, numbers, letters, days of the week, months of the year. Guided exercise songs.

12 fully orchestrated selections for the classroom teacher, physical education teacher, the Special Education specialist, or dance instructor. Children will encounter a variety of musical selections and diversified tempos. KIM6070DL

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