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Physical Ed


Item Price: $16.95
Item Number: KUB1100CD

Pre-K to 5th grades. The Learning Station helps kids get physical! This healthy collection of 16 fun fitness songs focuses on movement and locomotor activities, including: walking, hopping, skipping, jumping, running, galloping and leaping. Stir It Up, Monkey In the Middle, Stomp and Clap are just three that will get kids up and moving.


Song List

  1. Stretch
  2. Stomp and Clap
  3. Side Slide
  4. Monkey in the Middle
  5. The Marching Game
  6. Physical Ed
  7. Raise the Ceiling
  8. Give Me Ten
  9. Give Me Ten
  10. Stir It Up
  11. Twelve Days of Gym Class
  12. Musical Hula Hoops
  13. Can You Keep Your Balance?
  14. Ba Ba Bones
  15. Run and Walk
  16. Gallop