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Singalingo's: EN MI CASA
Item Number: SAL1032CD
By Piña and Michael Madera. Upbeat Songs in Spanish About Kids’ Everyday Activities! Songs are sung in Spanish. Lyrics and English translations are included. Children ages 1-6 learn Spanish through 17 upbeat songs.
NAPA Award Winner
Song Titles
- En la Manana/In The Morning
- Hola, Amigos/Hello, Friends
- Senor Sol/Mr. Sun
- Marcha/March
- Ponte a Bailar/Start Dancing
- 1, 2, 3
- ¿Tienes Hambre?/Are You Hungry?
- Lava las Manos/Wash Your Hands
- Abre el Refrigerador/Open the Refrigerator
- Pon la Mesa/Set the Table
- Dos Manos/Two Hands
- Escondete/Go Hide
- ¿Donde Estas?/Where are You?
- Burbujas/Bubbles
- Mono Chico/Little Monkey
- Arana Pequena/Itsy, Bitsy Spider
- Buenas Noches/Good Night