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MUSIC PLAY for Folks of All

MUSIC PLAY for Folks of All

Item Price: $17.00
Item Number: JG600CD

ALA Award Winner!  Ages 3-8.  15 brand new songs!  There are clap-alongs, finger plays, pretend games and imaginative dances – all suitable for playrooms, family rooms, classrooms, libraries and symphony halls.  Beethoven’s Five Finger Play, John Cuckoo, The Onomatopoeia Pizzeria and more.  Bonus DVD included.

Song Titles:

  1. Beethoven’s Five Finger Play
  2. It Takes Some Friends
  3. Truck Stop
  4. Have You Seen the Trampoline?
  5. Johnny Cuckoo
  6. Bagpipes
  7. The Onomatopoeia Pizzeria
  8. I was Born a Horn
  9. Bananas
  10. Habanera La La La
  11. Bounces Abundant
  12. I Changed My Mind
  13. Two for Tea
  14. Foot Notes
  15. Living Inside of a Jar