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Item Number: VX015CD
Bu Marilyn Singer
Illustrated by Josee Masse
A Book of Reversible Verse. This appealing collection, based on fairy tales, is a marvel to read. It is particularly noteworthy because the poems are read in two ways: up and down. They are reverse images of themselves and work equally well in both directions. “Mirror, Mirror” is chilling in that Snow White, who is looking after the Seven Dwarves, narrates the first poem of the pair. Read in reverse, it is the wicked queen who is enticing Snow White to eat the apple that will put her to sleep forever. “In the Hood” is as crafty as the wolf who tells of his delightful anticipation of eating Red Riding Hood. The mirrored poem is Red Riding Hood reminding herself not to dally since Grandma awaits. A must-have for any library.
Readalong CD & Hardcover Book |