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Item Price: $15.95
Item Number: JH37CD

Common Core Pre-K & Kindergarten! Focus is on Counting to 20 by 1’s, Classroom Exercise & Fitness, Listening & Auditory Repetition, Isolating Beginning Sounds, Alphabet Recognition. Songs include Jungle Jive Exercise, I Can Count Almost Anything, Count and Workout to 20, Dinosaur Chomp and Stomp, Super Kid Cleaner and much more.

Song Titles:
1. Dancin’ with Doodles the Duck
2. Jungle Jive Exercise
3. I Can Count Almost Anything
4. Fergie Gets Fit
5. You Echo Me Game
6. I’ve Got Hip-Hop
7. Goin’ On a Whale Watch
8. Rhyme and Dance
9. You Can Make the World a Better Place
10. Photo Op and Freeze
11. Count and Workout to 20
12. Word Play
13. Dinosaur Chomp and Stomp
14. Super Kid Cleaner
15. Is This a Number or a Letter
16. There Are Times For Listening
17. Meet the Letters of the Alphabet
18. Mountains of Love For Your Children
19. Thank You. Thank You
20. First Letter of My Name (for Jack)
21. First Letter of My Name (blanks for any name)
22. Is This a Number or a Letter (open - any number or letter)
23. Rhyme and Dance (open - for any words)
24. Word Play (open - any action word)
25. Kindness Cheer