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Item Price: $15.95
Item Number: JH34CD

By Jack Hartmann.  Preschool!  Songs about friendship and cooperation, appreciating others, bullying prevention, encouraging kindness, building self-esteem, learning letter and vowel sounds, alphabet recognition, good touch, listening and focusing attention. For lyrics and activities visit Jack’s website – jackhartmann.com


Song Titles:

  1. Fergie the Frog
  2. Friendship Walk
  3. Mother Goose Is On the Move
  4. If You’re Happy and You Know It
  5. Stop Bully Now
  6. Be a Friend – Don’t Be a Bully
  7. It’s Circle Time
  8. Work and Play Together
  9. ABC Cha Cha Cha
  10. Vowel Sound Samba
  11. Letter Sounds A to Z
  12. Give a Little Good Touch
  13. Teddy Bear Hip-Hop
  14. Funky Freeze
  15. Cowabunga
  16. Pump It Up Pokey
  17. We’re All Different and We’re the  Same
  18. Movin’ Is Cool