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Item Number: VX135CD
By Thacher Hurd
Performed by Tom Chapin
ALA Notable RecordingÃÂÂ
(Readalong Recommended by: MR)
The wonderful jazzy introductory music matches the loose, easygoing illustrations and sets the tone.àTom Chapin’s friendly, relaxed voice invites us along.
In the story, Miles lives in a swamp and loves to play music.àBut his mother hates his music, and chases him away from the house whenever he plays.àGoing further into the swamp, he finds a number of others who also can’t play their music at home, and they form a “Swanp Band”.àAs they are playing, they are overheard by an alligator, who, instead of eating them, invites them all onto a riverboat to play for the Alligator Ball!àThey go, they play, are a big hit, and are about to become a bigger hit, because the main item on the menu that night is Swamp Band Soup!àOf course, the band escapes.
(Readalong CD, Book) |