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Let's GO!!! A Musical History of Transportation Album Download
Item Number: KIM7000DL
Here is the exciting story of TRANSPORTATION - past and present. Three young people set out on a musical journey, whistling as they go. Along the way they discover faster and more convenient ways "to get from here to there." They sing of their adventures on land, sea, and in the air- and everyone is asked to join in. There are twelve songs, perfect for classroom participation or quiet listening. The PDF guide, included with full album purchases, is designed to provide the teacher with questions and discussion topics relating directly to each song of the Lets Go CD. It is a valuable aid to the teacher who wishes to promote classroom participation. Song List (Visit KimboEdDownloads.com to listen to music samples) 1. From Two Legs to Four 2. Paddles and Trade Winds 3. Ships of the Planes 4. Roads in America 5. The Erie Canal 6. Low Bridge 7. The Steamboat 8. Workin on the Railroad 9. A Horseless Carriage 10. From Orville to Lindy 11. The Jet Plane 12. Into Outer Space |