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I Can Move, Vol. 1: Creative Movement for Toddlers Album Download

Item Price: $15.00
Item Number: KIM8060DL

Encourage children to find their own ways of learning, of moving, - of creating! Through problem-solving and exploration, children will be free to develop their creativity by strengthening their self-direction. Ask questions and offer a variety of movement, but be mindful not to demonstrate "right" or "wrong" ways of moving. Encourage children to find their own moving words: I can (...)! This album download offers numerous possibilities for creative movement. What can your toddler do? You might be surprised with their answers and creative expressions.

Song List (Visit KimboEdDownloads.com to listen to music samples)

I Can Move
I Can Bend
I Can Twist
I Can Stretch
I Can Shake
I Can Swing
I Can Roll
I Can Walk
I Can Jog
I Can Run
I Can Stretch (Instrumental)
I Can Shake (Instrumental)
I Can Move (Instrumental)
I Can Bend (Instrumental)
I Can Twist (Instrumental)
I Can Swing (Instrumental)
I Can Roll (Instrumental)
I Can Walk (Instrumental)
I Can Jog (Instrumental)
I Can Run (Instrumental)