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Honk, Honk, Rattle, Rattle


Item Price: $15.95
Item Number: KPS62CD

The Train, Buckle Up, Alice the Camel, and more. Part of our Theme Series.

AGES: 4 to 9
ISBN: 0-9765887-5-7

Song List

  1. Little Hunk of Tin
  2. If I Had Wings
  3. Bumping Up and Down
  4. Down By the Station
  5. Buckle Up
  6. Clickety Clack
  7. Crocodile Song
  8. Jingle Bells
  9. Walk, Walk, Walk Your feet
  10. Little Canoe
  11. Barges
  12. White Wings
  13. A Sailor Went to Sea
  14. Alice the Camel
  15. This Little Train
  16. A Bicycle Built for Two
  17. Junior Birdman
  18. Little Red Caboose
  19. Windshield Wiper
  20. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
  21. The Wheels on the Bus
  22. The Train
  23. Dip, Dip and Swing
  24. City Travel
  25. Put Your Little Foot