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Holidays - Kimbo
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Familiar and beloved patriotic songs and instrumental marches reflect the history of America. You will find these songs uplifting and unifying. Includes Pomp and Circumstance for graduation time. Lyrics in guide. KIM9125CD
Here's a merry "sackful" of Holiday favorites you and your kids will love to sing and share. This shiny package of Santa's favorites is sure to become a cherished yearly tradition everyone will look forward to. KIM9105CD
Authentic stories behind famous American Patriotic songs. Encourage elementary-age students to engage with history. Use this fun musical resource to enhance American History, Literature, Poetry, Classroom listening or group singing. KIM8000DL
Celebrate together with this inclusive singalong winter holiday CD. At home or in the classroom, children (and families!) will appreciate the classics familiar to them and enjoy singing songs from other cultures. 19 Songs in all. KIM1002CD
Holidays are more fun with these original tunes. Dances, games and activities included with songs for Christmas, Hanukkah, Columbus Day, Flag Day, Easter, Halloween, Martin Luther King and St. Patricks Day, plus Happy Birthday. KIM0805CD
Come on, lets celebrate! Heres your best resource for birthdays & special times. Featuring the famous Happy Birthday song, youll find dances, games and songs -a best bet to add excitement and fun to important occasions. KIM9316CD