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 Georgiana Stewart

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Displaying products 19 - 24 of 54 results
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Bean Bag Rock & Roll
Bean Bag Rock & Roll
Item Price: $16.95

12 great songs from the 50s and 60s and clever activities help kids learn concepts such as body identification and directionality (high/low, right/left, up/down). Routines promote coordination, team work and following directions.

Children of the World
Children of the World
Item Price: $16.95

Songs, dances, rhythms and games from other lands come to life as children learn about different cultures. Mexico, Russia, Africa, Japan, Puerto Rico, China and more. Guide with lyrics and activities. Ages 5 to 10.

All aboard....follow the animal parade. This fanciful and fun CD is rich in opportunities for creative play and simple exercises, both so important for a young child. !

Circle Time Activities - (Theme-Based and Fun!)
Circle Time Activities
Item Price: $16.95

17 original and popular children's songs teach a variety of concepts in a fun way that will promote learning. Keep this musical resource handy for circle and transition times.

Finger Play Fun
Item Price: $16.95

By Georgiana Stewart. A developmental approach to fine motor skills! Easy finger & hand exercises designed to help develop finger control, grip strength & hand stretch. An excellent resource for special needs.

By Georgiana Stewart. Musical Activities and Games using the fun-filled toy, "The Hoppity Hop". Treat your kids to hours of fun, exercise and imaginative play. Ideal for developing gross motor skills and aerobic fitness.

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