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 Georgiana Stewart

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Displaying products 13 - 18 of 54 results
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STEAM Themes
Item Price: $16.95

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) is a curriculum that encourages the integration of important areas of learning for children. This CD is helpful resource to support your STEAM curriculum in Pre-K K classrooms.

Heel, Toe, Away We Go

These familiar folk dances are easy to do and improve coordination skills.
For ages 3 - 7.
A Kimbo classic.

A World of Parachute Play
A World of Parachute Play
Item Price: $16.95

This popular CD features songs from around the world and unique parachute activities that reflect the culture of the country. (4 to 8 years of age). Guide with lyrics and instructions.

Activity Songs & Games
Item Price: $16.95

By Georgiana Stewart. Important pre-learning skills and improved motor skills are developed through musical play, rhythms, exercises, creative movement and games.

Baby Face
Baby Face CD
Item Price: $16.95

Infants and toddlers can share in these delightful and appropriate learning experiences. Familiar baby songs set the mood for introducing simple rhythms and playful exercises. Guide with lyrics and activities.

Bean Bag Activities
Bean Bag Activities
Item Price: $16.95

Help children develop gross motor skills, increase balance, enhance directionality and right/left discrimination. Individual and group activities challenge kids while having fun. Guide with lyrics and instructions.

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