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Item Price: $17.95
Item Number: RT31CD

Bilingual Preschool -Jump-start learning for preschoolers as they learn: names of animals, directions, polite expressions, and counting through games like "I Spy" and "Follow The Leader". Sung by native speakers. CD & Book.

Song List

1 Lets All Sing Together / Cantemos todos juntos
2 The Rhyme Game / El juego de la rima
3 Follow the Leader / Sigue al lider
4 Mind Your Manners / Cuida tus modales
5 Groovin and Movin / Ritmo y movimiento
6 The Silly Man / El hombre chiflado
7 I Spy / Veo, veo
8 Hickory Dickory Dock
9 Bean Bag Toss / Lanza la bolsa
10 Bicycle Race / Una carrera de ciclistas
11 Going Places / Ir a los lugares
12-22 Musical accompaniment performance tracks