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 Character Development

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Item Price: $15.95

Fun Learning Songs by Michael Plunkett. Join this adventure of good old-fashioned fun! This upbeat collection of songs moves children from high-energy activities to quiet-time.

Toddler songs are fun, short, & simple. Each song reinforces an important early development skill from one of four important areas of early brain development wiring areas: physical, social-emotional, cognitive & language learning.

Build a musical bridge for children to welcome, understand, & appreciate the similarities and the differences between their lives and others. 20 Songs from around the world including Troika (RU), German Clapping Dance, & Diwali... Festival of Lights (IND)

Brain Smart Moves
Item Price: $15.95

Spin, breathe, laugh, and twist! Unique exercise and movements help children increase alertness and optimize their ability to learn. "Brain Smart" strategies, such as crossing the mid-line & rolling, are easy to implement into daily instruction.

Children of the World
Children of the World
Item Price: $15.95

Songs, dances, rhythms and games from other lands come to life as children learn about different cultures. Mexico, Russia, Africa, Japan, Puerto Rico, China and more. Guide with lyrics and activities. Ages 5 to 10.

I Like Myself
Item Price: $15.95

Songs About Feelings & Fun. Songs and activities targeted to young children promote physical, emotional and social development, and improve oral language skills.

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