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Item Number: KPSS2CD
(see Theme Series - Bilingual for other titles)
Children's Classic Theme Bilingual Collection The Children's Classic Theme Bilingual Collection is made up of four CDs, each with 15 or 16 songs in Spanish. The CDs will include English translations where translations work and equivalent songs where translations do not work. Every song is singable, clever and catchy! These CDs are a must for every bilingual classroom as well as any classroom where native English speaking children are learning to speak Spanish.
Spanish MP3
English MP3
Song List |
Spanish |
1. La cancíon del abecedario |
2. La cancíon de los colores |
3. Los meses del año |
4. La Cancíon de los opuestos |
5. La hora de las rimas |
6. ¿Me escuchan? |
7. Pan con mermelada |
8. A limpiar |
9. El rap de las rimas infantiles |
10. Bu-Bu-Burbujas |
11. ¿Qué va siempre junto? |
12. Esta es la banda de Miguel |
13. Las llantas del bus |
14. Si estamos todos juntos |
15. Pasitos |
16. Dedo pulgar |
17. El cacharrito |
18. ¡Al suelo y a rodar! |
19. Buenos días |
English |
1. The Alphabet Song |
2. The Color Song |
3. Months of the Year |
4. Sing a Song of Opposites |
5. Rhyme Time |
6. Are You Listening? |
7. Bread and Jelly |
8. Clean Up |
9. Nursery Rhyme Rap |
10. B-B-B-Bubbles |
11. What Goes Together? |
12. Old MacDonald Has a Band |
13. The Wheels on the Bus |
14. The More We Get Together |
15. Put Your Little Foot |
16. Where Is Thumbkin? |
17. Little Hunk of Tin |
18. Stop, Drop, and Roll |
19. Good Morning to You | |
Months of the Year, I Like School, Are You Listening and more. Part of our Theme Series.