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Item Number: RM05429CD
29 songs and rhymes to build early reading skills. Cathy teaches letter sounds through repetition and sing-alongs. Abbi Alligator, Eddie Elephant, Hiccups, Lee La Lay, Letter O Says O, Quack Quack, Tara Takes Tap, Wake Up Will, Vowel Family, X-Ray and much more.
Song List
1. Alphabet Jam 2. Adding Apples, Bouncing Balls 3. Letter A say a 4. Abbi Alligator 5. Bumpbibble Bump 6. Catherine Calico 7. David's Dancing Dog 8. Letter E says e 9. Eddie Elephant 10. Four Friendly Fish 11. Gary Gipponary 12. Hiccups 13. Letter I says I 14. Itchy Itchy Chicken Bone 15. Juicy Jelly 16. Kate's Kingdom 17. Lee La Lay 18. Macaroni 19. Nellie Knows a Nurse 20. Letter O say o 21. Ozzie the Optimistic Ostrich 22. Peter Piper 23. Quack Quack 24. Rock and Roll 25. Six Senoritas 26. Tara Takes Tap 27. Letter U says u 28. Upstairs Under Uncle Baily 29. A Very Small Vampire 30. Wake Up Will 31. X-ray 32. You're a Young Cowboy 33. Zany Zebra Zack 34. A apple a 35. The Vowel Family 36. When Y is at the End 37. Alphabet Jam |