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 Aerobics & Fitness

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Kimbo is the premier online resource for educators, librarians and parents to find movement activities for children that promote learning and physical activity while also combating childhood obesity and addressing common issues such as attention span and motor skills. We provide simply the highest quality music and movement activities on CD and DVD that will support your curriculum, enhance your library programs and provide an additional layer of learning to your home.

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Displaying products 1 - 6 of 40 results
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This uniquely structured, tested program of sequenced floor exercises provides a safe, easy approach to body conditioning and corrective exercise. It uses adaptive motor learning techniques which can be beneficial to children of all abilities. KIM9072DL

12 fully orchestrated selections for the classroom teacher, physical education teacher, the Special Education specialist, or dance instructor. Children will encounter a variety of musical selections and diversified tempos. KIM6070DL

Volume Two provides additional diversified tunes for sit-ups, wing stretchers, toe touch, squat thrust, crab walks, donkey kicks, and much more. All the selections are excellent for improvisation purposes. KIM6080DL

Preschool Workout
Item Price: $15.95

Support preschoolers total health with guided age-appropriate action activities that are so cool, they encourage movement. Warm ups, cool downs, aerobic exercise, stretching, bending, toning, finger plays, walking, running, animal walks, and more.

Smart Fitness, Smart Foods
Item Price: $15.95

By RONNO & Liz Jones-Twomey. This exciting, multi-purpose CD addresses both the need to provide easily accessible opportunities for necessary exercise & important nutritional facts to encourage children to understand how to eat properly.

Action Aerobics
Item Price: $15.95

A fun and effective fitness program for Grades 2-5. Children are motivated by stimulating music and easy-to-follow cues. The warm-ups, rhythmic aerobic routines and cool down are ideal for coed settings.

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