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Preschool Listening Time Album Download
Item Number: KIM1205DL
Good listeners eventually develop into good readers. Auditory discrimination plays a major role in the development of pre-reading skills. The stimulating listening activities that are contained within this album have been created to assist in the reading readiness process.
Preschoolers will enjoy the playful sound effects and music, sound dances, listening games and related activities while developing essential listening skills.
Song List (Visit KimboEdDownloads.com to listen to music samples)
1. Sing Along with Me (Sound Reproduction)
2. Play Along with Me (Auditory Processing and Motor Skills)
3. Hector's Song (Listening Comprehension, Auditory Sequencing)
4. Sounds the Same (Auditory Discrimination, Auditory Memory)
5. Sound Dance (Coordinating Gross Motor Skills and Auditory Signals)
6. Sounds I Like (Auditory Stimuli and Visual Imagery)
7. What's That Sound? (Auditory Scanning, Association of Sound with Visual Equivalent)